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Diamond Shapes: Education & Shape Guide, Part II

by Natacha Metayer 06 Dec 2021 0 Comments


Diamond Shapes – Part 2  

We covered some of the most common diamond shapes in Part I. We discussed the difference between a diamond’s cut and shape and how a diamond’s shape makes a difference to how sparkly or even how big it looks.

If you haven’t read Diamond Shapes Part I – You can read it HERE.

Choosing which shape you like is just that – deciding what you like best. Learning about the different diamond shapes gives you a place to start, making shopping for that perfect ring much easier.  

So, here are the next set of shapes.

JNCY Diamond Shape Chart II

Here at JNCY, many clients prefer these exquisite diamond shapes:

  • Princess Brilliant Cut Diamonds
  • Marquise Diamonds
  • Cushion Cut Diamonds
  • Radiant Cut Diamonds
  • Asscher Cut Diamonds

Princess Brilliant Cut Diamonds

The princess brilliant diamond shape has sharp, uncut, pointed corners. Most appear to be square, even if they are not exactly square. The straight-edged square has pavilion facets wide at the bottom that narrow toward the top – an upside-down pyramid. 

The princess brilliant diamond shape was designed by Betzalel Ambar and Israel Itzkowitz in 1980 from Ambar Company in Los Angeles. Considered quite avant garde at the time, the princess diamond shape is very popular now. Found in channel and invisible sets, princess cut stones have replaced traditional round gems for many. Consider a 3 stone ring with the princess diamond in the middle. Side stones will widen the center diamond’s appearance, making it look bigger. 

Marquise Diamonds

The Marquise diamond shape is an elongated ellipsis with pointed ends, typically with 58 facets. Because of this long, narrow shape, a Marquise diamond creates an impression of a larger size. Plus, the elongated shape flatters the wearer by making their fingers look slimmer and longer. A historically romantic diamond shape, this cut gets noticed. 

You can choose to set them horizontally or vertically or as accents. Most of the time, rings use the vertical placement, which is a more classical style. This shape is a superb choice to elongate the appearance of the finger with what appears to be a larger stone. 

Cushion Cut Diamonds

Cushion cut diamonds have larger facets and rounded corners, much like a cushion! If you love fire with rainbow-colored light, this is the best choice. You can choose from square to quite rectangular diamond shapes in the cushion cut. A traditional cushion cut has large, distinct facets reflecting bold flashes of light. A less traditional crushed ice cushion cut has less distinct facets with a glittery sparkle. Both are extremely versatile and look great in most any setting.

The cut is comparatively deep, so a cushion cut diamond looks smaller than other diamond shapes of similar carats. Select a higher carat diamond if you like the cushion cut style.

Radiant Cut Diamonds

Radiant diamonds have an outline like an emerald cut but create much more brilliance. Invented in 1977, this is a modern shape. But by choosing the right setting, it still looks like quite a classic. The elongated version will flatter the wearer’s hand by making their fingers look slim and feminine. Whether you choose the elongated or a square radiant cut diamond, your engagement ring will have a distinct and unique look. Add that to the fact that radiant-cut diamonds are some of the sparkliest on the market, and you can’t go wrong with this beauty.

Asscher Cut

The standard Asscher Cut and the Royal Asscher Cut were both created by the Royal Asscher company in 1902 in Holland. An Asscher Cut diamond is octagonal with layered facets and a square shape featuring a high crown and deep pavilion. The straight edges give it a brilliant, clean look. Often called a square emerald, both Asscher cut diamond shapes are significantly different from brilliant cuts. They are reminiscent of Art Deco era styles offering brilliance and a signature appeal.

Asscher diamonds typically have 58 facets, like a round brilliant. The different arrangement of the facets gives the unique vintage look. The shape begins as a square yet has angled corners to create the octagon resulting in a shape between a round and a square. The Asscher diamond shape is understated and sophisticated, throwing colorful, bright flashes of light, creating a mesmerizing effect. The Asscher cut’s popularity surged in 2002 with the 100th-anniversary celebrations.

In Conclusion

As you decide which diamond shapes you like, consider how the shape of the stone will look on your hand. Once you know which diamond shapes you might consider, it is easier to choose the ring you want to wear forever.

 At JNCY Jewelers, we aim to help you make informed decisions. Contact Us for more information.


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